Lazada Philippines
Lazada Philippines

Monday, June 9, 2014

Kuya Scolds Drunk Ranty Portento In Pinoy Big Brother: All In

Big Brother scolded adult housemate Ranty Portento for getting drunk after he was allowed to drink an alcoholic beverage inside the house before the eviction night.

On the episode aired on Sunday June 8, 2014, Ranty Portento dubbed as “Maginoong Marino ng Quezon” was given permission to drink by Big Brother prior that he can control himself and know his limits.

The 26-year-old Portento became emotional when Aina Solano was evicted from the famous yellow house because he was expecting that he will be evicted that night.

Ranty was comforted by his fellow housemates but he did not calm down as he still cannot hold his tears.

He was called by Big Brother inside the confession room to explain what had happened to him. Portento said, he was surprised because he expected that he is the one going out of the house so he drank a lot to release his stress.

Big Brother told him that he should know his limits and said that he should not use alcohol to escape from his problems. Big Brother added that though he might forget his problem for a while, he will still face it no matter what happens.

Portento then admitted that he was relieved and felt good after he talked to Big Brother.

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