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Lazada Philippines

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Wally Bayola's Wife, Riza Ruen Bayola Stood By His Side Despite The Scandal

Despite all the scandal, comedian Wally Bayola's wife, Riza Ruen Bayola stayed by his side.

"I think when it comes to family, it's like that, you stay intact. Blood is really thicker than water," Riza said in a phone interview on Startalk last March 2.

Riza is a registered nurse and works as a cashier and an encoder at Zirkoh, where Wally also works as a stand up comedian.

Since Riza is always with Wally, she is already exposed to showbiz life.

According to Riza, she already knew that Wall had a relationship with EB Babe dancer Yosh Rivera even before the video scandal exploded.

So, when the news about the scandal broke out she was not shocked nor surprised.

Riza said, "That video was taken a long time ago. Of course, I was hurt when I saw that video. I am his wife, and any woman who sees her husband having a video scandal like that would definitely be hurt."

"To tell you the truth, I feel sorry for the girl. A lot of people say, I am really different. Instead of getting mad at them both, I feel sorry for them. They have been exposed too much. Though, they both commited that sin. But, I thought, the girl must be feeling the same thing I am feeling. And of course, I think the girl's family feels the same thing."

Riza continued, "I already talked to the girl before that happened. I tried to enlightened her. I said Wally is a family man. I also told her that she is still young and pretty and there'll be a lot of guys who'll court her. I never broke a fight against her, I just tried to enlighten her and she said sorry. She was crying when she said sorry and I felt she was true that she felt sorry that's why I never got mad at her."

Riza never got hysterical or something when he talked to Wally and Yosh, she is calm since both Wally and Yosh admitted their mistakes.

She thought everything would go back to normal until the sex video of Wally and Yosh broke out and went viral.

According to Riza, "At that time, Wally just stayed inside the room and cries all the time. Who am I anyway? I'm also just a human being who feels what he is feeling at that time. I really feel sorry for him. He said he wants to die because of shame. So, I tried to talked to him and enlighten him about the situation and told him clearly to never give up. I told him, we his family will support him no matter what. I also told our children that time that their father is really depressed and he needs help."

The next question is, has Riza already forgiven Wally?

Riza answered, "Yes, I forgave him and Yosh a long time ago even before the sex video came out to the public. For me, Wally is not really that bad. He is good, nice. It's just by chance that his weakness took control of him. So, I gave him another chance for him to realize that he had done something wrong and will make up for it."

Riza then had a statement to Wally, "Whatever happens, I, his wife and his kids will always be here, to support him all the way. We love him very much."

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